Conference Talks 2014

It’s that time of year when I come out of my cocoon and give conference talks as a beautiful butterfly. Actually, it’s more like cast off my engineering garb, take a shower, and put on some executive styles.

I kicked it off early with a brief talk at Design Con sponsored Geek Girl Dinner where I introduced the concept of bringing reliable safety to wearables.

Here’s the current schedule:

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EE Live!

As always, I am always recommending El White’s quick intro to the Internet of Things:

Embedded Engineers to Present Real-World Case Studies at ESC

From EE Times article by Karen Field:

In a case study entitled “Battle out of a Painted Corner,” Veteran Firmware Engineer Jen Costillo will discuss how the Bia Sport engineering team traveled many miles and battled many dragons to deliver its first product, a sport watch for female runners and triathletes that also provides security and tracking during a workout or race. From the Kickstarter funding onward, she will discuss earlier short-term prototype decisions impact on the final project including: Adverse RF development conditions (i.e. when you don’t have many options for an office), the importance of tracking and iterating on your power model, protocol decision and its impact, over-the-air update design and challenges, and mechanical design and failures.

Access Gerrit on Windows

1 . Install PuTTY from, install to C:\tools\putty
2 . Install Git for windows from, install to
3 . Install TortoiseGit from,
install to C:\tools\TortoiseGit
4 . Copy your and id_rsa to c:\tools\git\.ssh
5 . Open a CMD window, go to C:\tools\git\bin and test the connection to the gerrit
server as follows:

ssh -v  [gerrit server]

You should see something like:

debug1: Entering interactive session.

**** Welcome to Gerrit Code Review ****

Hi [Your Name], you have successfully connected over SSH.

Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled.
To clone a hosted Git repository, use:

git clone ssh://[userid]@[gerrit server]/REPOSITORY_NAME.git

debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype exit-status reply 0

6 . Run PuTTYGen (C:\tools\putty\puttygen.exe) to make a PPK version of your private

a) File | Load Private Key | specify location of your id_rsa

b) Save Private Key | choose filename (e.g. id_rsa.ppk)

c) File | Exit

7 . Run Pageant (C:\tools\putty\pageant.exe) to present your ssh key:

a) Right-Click on Pageant icon in the system tray on lower left corner of
desktop (see
for example)

b) Add Key | Select Private Key File | point to your PPK key created in step 6b.

c) To have Pageant start up automatically on boot, follow the steps in

8 . Run TortoiseGit Settings app with : Start | TortoiseGit | Settings

a) Set Git.exe path for MSysGit to C:\tools\git\bin

b) Hit Apply | OK

9 . Create folder for git checkout (ex : c:\myproject )
10 . Right-click on folder and choose “Git clone…” and choose URL and directory,
and hit OK to start sync.
If you get an error, scroll up in dialog box for git command output and send
to the group.