Posted on 2014/10/142015/01/28ARM Cortex-M7: Abundance of Memory or Not Enough? From the October 14th, 2014, EETimes article: Costillo believes that the issues she is grappling with are the same issues the chip vendors are facing: “For the past couple of years with the IoT and wearables, it was all about power and size. I mean, how else are you going to get people to strap the thing on their wrist?” The next phase, she predicts will be chip vendors trying to figure out memory and features. That appears to be happening already, with ST planning to rollout a family of processors around the M7.
Posted on 2014/01/212015/01/28Embedded Engineers to Present Real-World Case Studies at ESC From EE Times article by Karen Field: In a case study entitled “Battle out of a Painted Corner,” Veteran Firmware Engineer Jen Costillo will discuss how the Bia Sport engineering team traveled many miles and battled many dragons to deliver its first product, a sport watch for female runners and triathletes that also provides security and tracking during a workout or race. From the Kickstarter funding onward, she will discuss earlier short-term prototype decisions impact on the final project including: Adverse RF development conditions (i.e. when you don’t have many options for an office), the importance of tracking and iterating on your power model, protocol decision and its impact, over-the-air update design and challenges, and mechanical design and failures.