Access Gerrit on Windows

1 . Install PuTTY from, install to C:\tools\putty
2 . Install Git for windows from, install to
3 . Install TortoiseGit from,
install to C:\tools\TortoiseGit
4 . Copy your and id_rsa to c:\tools\git\.ssh
5 . Open a CMD window, go to C:\tools\git\bin and test the connection to the gerrit
server as follows:

ssh -v  [gerrit server]

You should see something like:

debug1: Entering interactive session.

**** Welcome to Gerrit Code Review ****

Hi [Your Name], you have successfully connected over SSH.

Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled.
To clone a hosted Git repository, use:

git clone ssh://[userid]@[gerrit server]/REPOSITORY_NAME.git

debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype exit-status reply 0

6 . Run PuTTYGen (C:\tools\putty\puttygen.exe) to make a PPK version of your private

a) File | Load Private Key | specify location of your id_rsa

b) Save Private Key | choose filename (e.g. id_rsa.ppk)

c) File | Exit

7 . Run Pageant (C:\tools\putty\pageant.exe) to present your ssh key:

a) Right-Click on Pageant icon in the system tray on lower left corner of
desktop (see
for example)

b) Add Key | Select Private Key File | point to your PPK key created in step 6b.

c) To have Pageant start up automatically on boot, follow the steps in

8 . Run TortoiseGit Settings app with : Start | TortoiseGit | Settings

a) Set Git.exe path for MSysGit to C:\tools\git\bin

b) Hit Apply | OK

9 . Create folder for git checkout (ex : c:\myproject )
10 . Right-click on folder and choose “Git clone…” and choose URL and directory,
and hit OK to start sync.
If you get an error, scroll up in dialog box for git command output and send
to the group.

Design West Presenter Schedule

It’s that time of year when the smell rosin in the air and sometimes the tiniest hint of a blown cap. But it is also time to come out the San Jose McHenry Conference center and check out what the various vendors for Design West 2013 (formerly known as the Embedded Systems Conference).

This year Jen is will be participating in three session:

  • Start Tinkering– Panel discussion covering everything you need to know about getting started on your own tech projects. We discuss everything from why to equipment to vendors to avoiding problems – Tuesday April 23, 9:30am, Room: 210 GH Free to expo pass holders
  • Sensors Saving Lives– Moderated panel discussion with four different perspectives of using sensors in health. Representatives from A.M. Fitzgerald and Associates, Fitbit, iRhythm, and Logical Elegance give you the critical information about sensors in your health devices. – Wednesday April 24, 1:00pm, Room: Expo Theater – Free to expo pass holders
  • Android Sensors: A Top to Bottom Approach– Jen’s informative Android sensor talk introducing new designers to the entire process from hardware selection through Android application development. Exclusive Android App to attendees – Wednesday April 24, 3:00pm, Room: 210 EF

If you have not obtained your passes, you can obtain them here and use the coupon SP100 for a heavily discounted all-access pass. However the expo pass is always free.

We will see you there.



Web Browser Recollections

It came up in the office: Chrome has the market share of the browser market.

It was interesting hearing everyone make guesses about when certain browsers came to market and talking about when they changed to other ones and why. We talked about Mosaic and Netscape. Remember how long both were on 1.0 and 1.1? Remember the IE monopoly lawsuit?

For me, I was surprised that Opera was originally released in 1994. I suspect this was because of its genesis in Europe. I have been using it (and still using it) since 2002-ish. I like the mouse gesture and user profiles they had. However, I still end up using IE and Firefox but I still haven’t used Chrome. But I am finding Opera falling behind and the latest version is basically unusable.

What browsers are you using and why?